The 10-Day Strong Core Challenge

Why Core Muscles Matter

Core muscles are like a powerhouse of strength – they provide stability and support our body while doing everyday activities like lifting, carrying, or walking. 

And did you know that having stronger core muscles can also help improve your posture and reduce back pain? 

Building those powerful abdominal muscles takes work, but the benefits are worth it! 

Just think of it this way: the stronger your core muscles are, the easier it will be to pick up heavy objects or keep your balance while playing sports… or lifting heavily! 

Could you make sure to read on and familiarize yourself with the anatomy of the core and the best exercises to target those muscle groups?

Then… All you have to do is include them in your training regimen.

And we’ll help you do just that.

Core Muscles Anatomy

Core muscles make up the very foundation of our bodies and boy, do they like to get complicated! 

Various groups of core muscles are located throughout our abdominal area, along with those in the pelvic floor and back region. These muscle groups are utilized during a wide array of daily activities. 

And I need to get started on how intricate it can be to work on strengthening each muscle component for improved stability - the anatomy of the core muscles is complex, indeed!

But hey, we're here to give you some insight, so let's look at the anatomy of the core to understand its function better.

Rectus Abdominis

The rectus abdominis, or the 'six-pack' muscle, is one of the most important structures in the body. 

It is a long, broad superficial muscle that extends from the ribs to the pubic bone situated at the front of the abdomen. 

This strong muscle plays an important cosmetic role in helping with developing a toned torso and has functional roles. 

One of its key roles is to serve as a prime mover when flexing the torso and maintaining internal abdominal pressure, which is essential for various activities and health. 

Simply put, the rectus abdominis is a large muscle mass with visual and functional implications!

Transverse Abdominis

Getting your core muscles in shape is like having a superpower - invisibly strong. It will help you move through any obstacles in life with strength and grace. 

The transverse abdominis is a key player in those superpowers, lying deep within the abdomen. 

Think of the transverse abdominis as your invisible shield from the occasional force of day-to-day struggles. 

It helps you move with ease and stability without even thinking about it. 

If being invincible isn't reason enough to include it in your workout routine, then I'm not sure what is!

The Obliques

Ah, yes, the obliques - a hidden treasure of the core muscles, often go overlooked in exercise routines. 

But with our obliques providing support and stability to the spine, torso rotation is possible - how limiting would that be? 

The obliques also help us to bend sideways and flex our spines, allowing us to twist and reach with purpose. 

As powerhouse muscles of our bodies' cores, the obliques keep us balanced while we lift and shift weight in the gym or on a mountain bike trail. 

So, yeah. This is a reminder to include some of the oblique exercises we're about to give you in just a bit!

Erector Spinae

Erector spinae muscles might not garner as much attention as their famous ab cousins, but they should be considered. 

They certainly have an impressive resume - these muscles are responsible for supporting the spine, helping to provide quality posture, keeping the rib cage, and enabling us to twist and bend our backs. 

In other words, these muscles are inseparable partners in many everyday activities. 

So despite living in relative anonymity, the erector spinae muscle group is essential to the core!

Remember it.


Many think the core consists solely of the stomach or abdominal muscles, but this is far from true! 

We must remember our all-important glutes! 

Often thought only to provide power for movement, the glutes have a significant role in stabilizing the core.

Therefore, strengthening them can help improve posture and prevent injuries and pains.

No matter what activities you are doing - lifting, yoga, soccer, running - having your glutes on par with everything else will ensure you can perform at your best. 

So remember these often neglected muscles and give them some love! 

Your core will thank you.


The diaphragm is an often-overlooked organ that's at the core of your respiratory system - literally. 

This dome-shaped, muscular structure plays a critical role in respiration and trunk stability. 

When we breathe in, the diaphragm contracts and moves downwards, drawing air into our lungs.

When we exhale, it relaxes back up and releases air outward. 

Not only does it keep our breaths even and rhythmic, but it also helps activate our deep abdominal muscles for better stability. 

You might call it the unsung wellness hero – though secretly, I bet it loves every second of its valuable job!

The Best Core Exercises

If you're looking to add some simplicity to your training routine, there are a few core exercises you can do that are easy yet effective. 

You don't need to do core-shattering workouts as some diehard gym fanatics suggest – just a few simple moves can get the job done. 

And so, spending any extra time trying to make sense of creating a complex core routine can be put in the recycle bin and replaced with getting down and boogie-ing with some good old core exercises, done consistently over time.

Let us give you our five favorite core exercises and then move on to some FAQs about creating the ultimate core routine (sets, reps, training frequency, etc.)

Leg Raises

Leg raises aren't just for cruel personal trainers trying to make their clients suffer. 

They are one of the most efficient exercises to strengthen your core and ton your abdominal muscles. 

Though they may appear to be a simple, straightforward motion, leg raises can take your fitness routine to the next level - with minimal effort! 

Whether you’re looking to boost your flexibility or create more definition in those abs of steel, leg raises should undoubtedly be on your exercise list.

Here’s how to do them:

  1. Hang on a bar with your hands at around shoulder width
  2. Keep your legs close to one another and with ankles extended
  3. Look forward
  4. Swing your body slightly forward, and lift your legs as the torso goes back, contracting the core.
  5. Keep that same rhythm, controlling the torso's movement with the swing of your legs.

Standard Plank

The plank is a tried-and-true exercise that has been a favorite of gym-goers for ages - and not just because you can take out your pent-up aggression on the floor when angry! 

The plank is fantastic for toning your core: it's low impact, allows you to target those pesky trouble areas, and is an amazing way to work up a sweat without the need for any fancy equipment or crazy new move. 

Sure, the plank may not be glamorous or exciting, but it will put your strength and stability to the test. 

So don't be afraid to try trying this timeless classic - you'll soon discover it's pretty rock solid!

Now, here's how to do a plank:

  1. Kneel on the ground
  2. Place your forearms on the ground, angled slightly to the outside
  3. Keep your feet together and on your toes
  4. Lift your hips slightly, so the abdominal area is engaged
  5. Keep your shoulder blades separated
  6. Hold the position!

You can also experiment with variations of the plank, such as the side plank, where only one arm is on the ground, and one foot is also planted on its side - this is an oblique bender, no pun intended!


Lower back hyperextensions should be part of any fitness routine because they can help to strengthen your core and ward off pesky back pain. 

It's excellent exercise at home if you've got a back extension bench! 

That being said, make sure to follow the proper form when performing the exercise so you don't overextend yourself into an ever more giant hole of trouble - core strength is one thing, but getting injured from overexertion is not cool. 

So bring on those lower back hyperextensions. Just make sure you're doing it for the right reasons.

And... follow these steps:

  1. Get on the hyperextension bench, placing the pads at your ankles
  2. Make sure that the hip pad is comfortably placed, too - it should line with the upper part of your pelvis
  3. Cross your hands on your chest and keep your head in a neutral position
  4. Let your body go down slowly
  5. Go back up, initiating the movement with your spine muscles and glutes
  6. Flex the spine muscles, pause briefly, then finish off the rep by flexing the glutes

This is a true banger for both the spinal erectors and the glutes

Hip Thrusts

Hip thrusts are the current talk of the fitness town and for a good reason! 

They are an effective way to activate and target your glutes, hamstrings, and lower back, and they also do great core exercises. 

So instead of boringly crunching your way through your routine for a change, try hip thrusting. 

You might even find yourself shaking more than just your hips! 

Here are the execution steps:

  1. Place a loaded barbell by the side of a bench
  2. Sit down on the ground and keep your legs straight
  3. Roll the barbell until it reaches your pelvis (make sure to use a soft pad on the bar!)
  4. Place your feet at shoulder width, closer to your hips (ultimately, the legs should create a 90-degree angle at the top of the movement)
  5. Keep your head neutral, then thrust up
  6. At the top, squeeze the glutes and let the hips go back down slowly

Stomach Vacuums

Are you looking for an exercise to help create a complete core exercise sequence? 

Consider adding stomach vacuums to your daily routine! 

Not only will this help you build strong core muscles, but it's also one of the easiest exercises to do from the comfort of your home. 

Imagine trying to suck in your stomach with all your might and hold it in place to give you an idea of how effective they are. 

No crunching required! 

As if that's not easy enough, you don't have to move around too much.

All it requires is around 20 seconds of static contraction.

Follow these steps:

  1. Lay flat on the ground
  2. Keep your arms relaxed by the side of the body
  3. Inhale deeply
  4. Exhale and contract the abs
  5. Once fully contracted, hold your breath at the end of the exhale and suck your stomach in slowly.
  6. Hold for 5-10 seconds, then release and repeat

Hopping On The Challenge

Now that you’ve got a brief overview of the core muscles and the best exercises to target them, it’s time to hop on the 10-day challenge!

The goal is simple - Do all 5 exercises across 10 days, at least once per exercise.

Rep Ranges

For most people, these exercises are pretty tricky, so as a rule of thumb, it is best to be near the maximum amount of repetitions you can do for each exercise.

For instance, if you can do 15 bodyweight hyperextensions and not a single one more, focus on doing sets of 10-12 repetitions, with up to 2 minutes of rest between each set.

As you progress, increase the number of repetitions and sets.

In other words, there is no specific rep range to go by - instead, you are aiming to be close to failure relative to your current capabilities.

Training Frequency

The initial goal is to do all 5 exercises across 10 days, at least once - for many. This would mean that each activity will be done once across the 10 days.

In other words, starting with 1 exercise every other day is a rock-solid starting point!

Just like increasing repetitions, you can also up the training frequency as you progress and adapt.

Ultimately, you will go up to doing all exercises twice across 10 days.

And that, ladies and gents, will be the epitome of progress!


It is worth noting that 10 days of training your core won’t give significant visual results, no matter what anyone tells you.

Nevertheless, it is an excellent time to gather momentum and snowball your efforts into the long term.

Remember, everything requires consistency - especially core strength!

The real challenge is to continue doing and adding complexity after the initial 10 days.


What's the bottom line? Doing this 10-day Strong Core Challenge can help boost your physical and mental health, balance, and overall confidence in the long run. 

Working on your core will help to optimize your posture, relieve back pain, produce better form during daily tasks, and set you up for success when you hit the gym. 

This challenge encourages you to make small changes every day so that it will feel manageable. 

You must commit 10 minutes of your day to the exercises to strengthen and align your body from the inside out. 

If you complete this challenge and stick with it, I assure you you'll walk away a more complete individual overall!

Best of luck.

Adrian Van der Walt

Certified Personal Trainer

Flexibility, Nutrition & Fitness Specialist